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Preparing for the Academic Year with Artificial Intelligence: Are you Ready?

Brenda Brusegard
Posted On
August 30, 2024
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August 30, 2024
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As the new academic year approaches, both students and teachers are gearing up to make the most of their time in the classroom. With AI tools playing an increasingly significant role in education, it’s crucial to start the year on the right foot by understanding how to effectively integrate these tools. Keep reading for some tips about starting the year on the right foot.

1. Understanding AI Policy: The Foundation for Ethical AI Use

Before diving into the practical applications of AI, it's essential to establish a clear AI policy. This policy should outline the ethical guidelines for using AI in academic settings, ensuring that both students and educators understand the boundaries and responsibilities associated with these powerful tools.

Key Components of an AI Policy:

  • Transparency: Clearly define how AI tools will be used in the classroom and for assignments.
  • Privacy Protection: Ensure that any AI tools that are being used by students comply with privacy laws.
  • Academic Integrity: Establish rules to prevent AI from being used inappropriately, such as for plagiarism or cheating.

Consider local guidelines around AI policy. Follow these links for more relevant information.

  • AI for Education keeps an updated list of guidance from states.
  • AI Act in the EU provides resources around compliance.
  • UNESCO also has a comprehensive guide.

Please note that the word policy often scares administrators because the term seems very final. AI is ever-evolving, and your AI policy may change during the year as needed. In this case, you could frame it as something else such as AI guidelines that go along with your academic integrity policy.

2. Training for Teachers: Empowering Educators with AI

To maximize the benefits of AI in the classroom, teachers need comprehensive training on how to use these tools effectively. This training should cover not only the technical aspects of AI platforms but also how to incorporate them into the curriculum to enhance learning outcomes.

Training Topics to Consider:

  • AI Integration in Lesson Planning: How to use AI to create dynamic and personalized lesson plans.
  • Monitoring AI Usage: Tools and techniques for tracking how students are using AI in their assignments.
  • Ethical AI Education: Educating students on the ethical use of AI and setting expectations for responsible behavior. Additionally, creating awareness that teachers also need to use AI in their work ethically and transparently. Teachers should disclose when they used AI and model this for the students.

3. Raising Student Awareness About the Ethical Use of AI

Students need to be aware of the ethical considerations surrounding AI from the very beginning. This includes understanding the limits of AI, respecting intellectual property, and using AI as a tool for learning rather than a shortcut.

Strategies to Raise Awareness:

  • Workshops: Host sessions that introduce students to AI ethics and the consequences of misuse.
  • Interactive Activities: Use case studies and real-world examples to illustrate the potential pitfalls of unethical AI use.
  • Ongoing Support: Provide resources and support throughout the year to help students navigate ethical dilemmas related to AI.

By building this awareness early on, students are more likely to use AI responsibly and effectively in their academic pursuits. Check out the website from Digital Promise for more ideas.

4. Setting Up and Using AI Tools from Day One

Starting the year with a solid understanding of AI tools can set students up for success. PowerNotes, for instance, is an AI-integrated research tool designed to streamline the research and assignment writing process while ensuring transparency and ethical use.

Steps to Get Started with PowerNotes:

  • Sign Up and Orientation: Help students sign up for PowerNotes at the beginning of the year. Provide them with tutorials on how to use the platform for organizing research notes and citing sources.
  • AI Tool Integration: Demonstrate how PowerNotes integrates with AI within the platform.
  • Customization and Personalization: Show students how to customize PowerNotes to fit their specific research needs, making their workflow more efficient.

Introducing PowerNotes at the beginning of the academic year helps students develop strong research habits that will benefit them throughout their studies.

Once you’ve considered the above topics, you should feel confident that you’re ready to start the new school year!

Brenda Brusegard is a librarian and has been working in international schools for the last 10 years. She was first in Quito, Ecuador and most recently in Mumbai, India. She interested in the ethical use of AI and the potential that AI has to help students do more research, more effectively.