Product Updates & Advancements

PowerNotes Updates & Change Log
AUGUST 23, 2023 - Communities 6
Communities-based deploy, with large number of bug fixes and tweaks.
- Changed icons to remove students to make them more clear and provide room for future options
- Enabled adding multiple emails when inviting users to a Community,
- now  redirects to the new and improved Help and Support page
- Added ability to invite students to communities directly from the “Invite to Course” page
- Enabled the use of PowerNotes extension on the PowerNotes resources page
- Enabled the use of AI tools for instructors in Communities and Organizations (LMS), when toggled on in Community / Org admin
- Enabled sending an assignment / setting it to “Open” status upon assignment creation, instead of only upon edit.
- Reorganized Assignment creation form to be clearer
- Added email to displayed information in Community user list, to make distinguishing between Community members easier
- Adjusted language throughout Communities from “Students” to “Members”
Bug fixes
- Extension bookmarks now appear and disappear appropriately when added / removed, even without a page refresh
- Fixed some issues regarding removing and adding admins in Communities
- Fixed a bug where Communities could be created with zero accounts (i.e. without an admin)
- Fixed a Word export bug where bulleted comments changed the output
- Fixed an AI annotation bug
- Fixed an Ebsco citation bug
- Fixed deployment issue with specific accounts
- Fixed syncing issue with AI flags
- Fixed login / invite issues for users in both a Community and an LMS
- Fixed specific organization AI access issue
- Facebook login feature marked for deprecation; estimated sunset 1 September 2023
JULY 18, 2022 - Version 0.73.5
- Enhancement: Increased security measures.
- Additional security added for password reset and failed login attempts.
- Enhancement: Accessibility additions.
- Upgrades to focus, zoom, and error messages.
- New Feature: Springshare LibChat Integration in PowerNotes Extension.
- Students using PowerNotes at supported partner institutions, can now contact (chat, email, message) librarians at their school for research support without having to navigate away from the research process facilitated by PowerNotes.
April 21, 2022 - Version 0.71.2
- New Feature: Hide Extension Icon.
- Right-click on Extension P icon in browser toolbar, select “Options”. In the settings page, there is now an option to hide the PowerNotes extension while researching.
- Enhancement: Block Quotes.
- Block quotes in the annotation field will now render when a project is exported to a Word Outline.
January 20, 2022 - Version 0.66.2
- Enhancement: Rich-text.
- Users can now style text in their annotations, freeform notes, and comments. Rich-text can be applied from the extension and project outline webpage.
- Rich-text includes: Bold, italics, underlining, superscript, subscript, small caps, bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, hyperlinking, and emojis.
- New Feature: Source evaluation framework for information literacy.
- Ability for user to set a common set of criteria for uniformly evaluating sources across a project. Allows user to then annotate each source in the project according to that criteria. Then allows user to export source evaluation notes by source and criteria for evaluation.
- Enhancement: Citation only export.
- Allows the user to export all their citations in a project to make it easier to create a bibliography or works cited page.